last updated:
Sun, 05 May 2024 11:06:48
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Booking & Registration
Now bookable through
To book direct, please email, phone or write to us.
Scam check - Brambly Thatch is on Google & Maps
Before a booking for Brambly Thatch is confirmed, we need to know:
1. How many wish to book?
2. The dates (starting on a Friday or Monday)?
3. The names of those wishing to stay, and their age if under 16.
4. Your name, postal address, email & phone number(s)
5. Confirmation of your acceptance of our terms & conditions.
6. Payment of the booking fee/deposit of 100 GBP.
7. The balance is due one month before your stay starts.
Payment can be made
a. Direct to our Nat West Bank account, at Market Place, Reading, RG1 2EP,
Branch No: 542128,
Account No: 25514199.
Reference: [your name]
IBAN No: GB48NWBK54212825514199
UK Sterling Cheque,
made payable to "Merricroft Farming"