Brambly Cottages

Site last updated:
Sun, 05 May 2024 11:06:48

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Terms & Conditions

Now bookable through

UK Covid precautions may apply if needed

1. The cottage can be let weekly from 4pm Friday to 10am next Friday, or Monday to Monday, or short breaks Fri-Mon, Mon-Fri.

2. An email or phone call can check availability & "hold" a booking for 4 days, but the booking is only confirmed on receipt of the completed booking form & the non returnable booking fee/deposit of 100 GBP per week. Payment confirms your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions

3. A reservation , once confirmed by us, constitutes a contract which renders us liable to provide the accommodation, and the person booking it liable for payment of the full cost.

4. The balance of the cost must be paid one month before the start of the reservation.

5. In the event of cancellation, which must be in writing, we may only waive payment of the balance if we are able to re-let.

6.Guests are responsible for any damage to the property or contents, extra costs arising from phone calls, broadband, excess use of oil & electricity (>30 GBP/week) and excess bank charges.

7. Only persons named at booking may sleep in the cottage, and smoking in the cottage is banned.

8. For hygiene & farm safety reasons, pets are not permitted on the premises.


9. The cottage must be vacated not later than 10am on the day of departure, and left in the same clean & orderly condition as was on your arrival.
(We may enter at any reasonable time).

10. We reserve the right to levy additional charges for breakages, damage to property or contents, other than the stated persons sleeping in the cottage, unauthorised pets, late departure, more than reasonable cleaning required, excess electricity &/or oil consumption, phone calls & broadband charges, & for late payment. These charges must be paid immediately, on day of invoice.

11. Prices include VAT & local tax, but are subject to variation.

12. 2023 prices (in GB Pounds):
High Season (Bank Holiday weeks + Jun-Sep): 875 GBP per week
Low Season : 675 GBP per week
Fri-Mon or Mon-Fri : 525 GBP


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